Bernard C. “Jack” Young became the 51st Mayor of Baltimore City on Friday, May 2, 2019.
He served from 2010 to 2019 as the President of the Baltimore City Council, and for 14 years prior to that as a District Councilman.
Mayor Young has spent his time as a public servant aggressively representing the interests of the citizens of Baltimore. He made his mark in city government with a reputation for highly effective constituent services and for a dedication to youth, seniors, education and public safety.
Mayor Young has played a major role in passing legislation that has increased funding for education, crime prevention and helped to spur economic development across the City.
In 2016, voters in Baltimore overwhelmingly approved Young’s charter amendment – Question E – that established a continuing, non-lapsing Children and Youth Fund to be used exclusively to provide supplemental funding to services for children and youth. The fund, a first-of-its-kind initiative for Baltimore, and only one of the few dedicated youth funds in the country, established an annual multi-million dollar pot of money for youth-focused, grassroots organizations in Baltimore.
A native East Baltimorean, Mayor Young has championed efforts to increase government transparency, fight for equitable housing opportunities, and bolster funding for education. A long proponent of affordable housing and mixed-use development, Mayor Young has been a steadfast champion of diverse communities that allow city residents, from all economic backgrounds, a chance at homeownership.
The Mayor believes neighborhood development is the key to increasing Baltimore’s population, decreasing vacant homes, and improving its local economy. In all, Mayor Young has driven the development of more than 80 affordable housing projects in neighborhoods throughout the city.
Mayor Young got his start in politics as a former special assistant to then-City Council President Mary Pat Clarke.
Mayor Young is married and he and his wife have two adult daughters and three grandchildren. He attends United Baptist Church in East Baltimore.